Block Lesson Five
Block Lesson Five
Course Instructions
Course Instructions
We have found people learn in different ways. Some learn better by reading the material themselves, others by watching a video. Throughout our Blocks we have the course set up in two different ways;
- The first is a video you can watch with text to speech. The video is an MP4 which is not interactive. There is no capability to link anything. That being said, any part that requires you to interact with, you will need to find the link in the text, or watch another video further down the page.
- The second part is set up with text you can read with all FARs and documents linked to the FAA’s website. Everything is interactive. When it is time to interact with the FAA’s website, or watch another video the capability is there for you.
You can choose which way you would like to precede.
NOTE: Each block covers specific FAR information in chronological order, and it is recommended that you work through them in that order. However, you are free to work through them in any order you wish. These Block Lessons are FREE to anyone to read, and work through as often as you would like, all year round. The course can also be used as a TRAINING TOOL so that everyone in your organization is following the same processes.
If you would like to use this course to meet the 8 hours of learning required by FAR 65.93, you are required to complete ALL 8 blocks of Learning, and then take the Final Quiz. About 65% of the questions on the Quiz can be found in these block lessons, the rest you should know. Some of the questions on the quiz can only be answered by going through the course. The Quiz consists of 96 questions and you will need 70% to pass. If you don’t pass the quiz the first time, you will be able to take the Quiz again at any time. Once you start the Quiz you can pause it at any time, in order to search for information on the FAAs website, or review one of our Block Lessons. Once you have completed the Quiz and received at least 70% correct, you will be able to print a certificate to then submit to the FAA.
Throughout Block Five there will be video demos you will need to watch and then read along with the reference on the FAA's website. There will be questions on the quiz related to the narrative on these Demos.
BLOCK 5 will cover:
- Car 3
- AC 20-33B, states that any aircraft whose certification basis
- FAR 39.3, "Airworthiness" Directives - General
- AC 39-7D
- AD 87-03-06
- AD 87-22-01
Block Lesson Five Video
Block Lesson Five Video
Inspection Authorization Refresher Training
CAR 3 is very important to an IA because most early type certificated aircraft were certificated to CAR 3 such as single engine Cessnas and some multiengine, Piper Cherokees, Comanches, and some multiengine, and Beechcraft single engine and some multiengine. You also can include Taylorcrafts, Ercoupes, Stinsons, and the like. CAR 3, or Civil Air Regulation 3, was the ancestor of FAR 23, which replaced CAR around 1958 under the new Federal Aviation Act at that time. Every IA should have a copy of CAR 3 available when accomplishing an Annual or Progressive inspection, as well as major repairs and alterations on aircraft whose certification basis is CAR 3. When an IA approves such an aircraft for return to service after a required inspection, that IA is certifying that the aircraft complies with CAR 3.

FAA AC 20-33B is important for an IA.
FAA AC 20-33B is important for an IA.
FAA AC 20-33B is important for an IA to be familiar with because it clearly states that any aircraft whose certification basis of CAR 3 remains as listed on the Type Certificate Data Sheet must continue to meet CAR 3 as a minimum standard. May people wrongly believe that FAR 23 replaced CAR 3. That is only true for aircraft whose certification basis is FAR 23.

FAR 39.3 is critically important to an IA, especially when accomplishing an Annual or Progressive inspection.
FAR 39.3 is critically important to an IA, especially when accomplishing an Annual or Progressive inspection.
FAR 39.3 is critically important to an IA, especially when accomplishing an Annual or Progressive inspection. FAR 39 defines Airworthiness Directives, commonly referred to as safety recalls just like cars and other products. Plainly stated, an Airworthiness Directive applies to any applicable product defined by the directive if it says it applies. Many people mistakenly believe that AD’s do not apply to aircraft in the Experimental category such as Amateur Built. In short, if the AD says it applies to all aircraft in any category, then it applies to Amateur Built aircraft. While there has never been an AD issued against an Amateur Built airframe, AD’s issued against products installed on Amateur Built aircraft may apply such as engines, propellers, and other assorted accessories.
FAA AC 39-7D describes the various procedures and ramifications related to the compliance of Airworthiness Directives.
FAA AC 39-7D describes the various procedures and ramifications related to the compliance of Airworthiness Directives.
FAA AC 39-7 is the Advisory Circular that describes the various procedures and ramifications related to the compliance of Airworthiness Directives including how to comply with them, and how to record compliance, and the like – everything an IA needs to know.
Airworthiness Directives
Airworthiness Directives
What we will do now is to take a look at a few Airworthiness Directives to get an idea of how they work, how to properly read them and how to record them. Just to be clear, I am using these historical Airworthiness Directives as a training tool. These two Ads show you clearly how complex an AD can get and will give you a better understanding of the various procedures and ramifications related to the compliance.
AD 87-03-06 is a great example of a complex Airworthiness Directive.
AD 87-03-06 is a great example of a complex Airworthiness Directive.
These two Ads, AD 87-03-06 and AD 87-22-01 show you clearly how complex an AD can get and will give you a better understanding of the various procedures and ramifications related to the compliance. At this point you will need to open AD 87-03-06 on the FAAs website and follow along with it. The video narrative is also listed directly below the video. There will be question on the quiz related to the narrative on these Demos.
AD 87-03-06 Demo
AD 87-03-06 Demo
Inspection Authorization Refresher Training
Narrative for AD 87-03-06
Narrative for AD 87-03-06
First, understand that all AD’s are formatted exactly the same way.
Starting at the top of the AD, you see the AD number 87-03-06 R1.
The 87 is the year the AD was issued, 1987. 03 stands for the 3rd bi-weekly issue of the 1987. The 06 stands for the 6th AD in sequence issued in the 3rd bi-weekly. R1 indicates that this is the 1st revision to the AD.
Then you find the Effective Date of the AD. In this case it’s March 12, 1987.
Then comes the actual FAR 39 Amendment number to the FAR. In this case it’s Amendment 39-5513, which was the original AD, as amended by 39-5557, which is revision 1.
Each amendment to FAR 39 is an actual revision to the statute.
Then comes the applicability statement. It defines the product to which the AD applies, and usually includes specific serial numbers and other identification information. This is also where you find the Category of certification information such as Standard, Restricted, Experimental, and the like. If it refers to a product in ALL categories, then all categories of certification are included.
Then comes a Compliance statement. Next, there is a statement as to why the AD was issued. Following is the body of the AD including any inspections involved, repairs or alterations involved. Then comes a statement, if it requires a recurring inspection, as to how recurring inspections may be discontinued. Then a statement as to whether or not the aircraft can be ferried? Possibly a statement next as to adjusting inspection intervals. Then the possibility of suggesting and having an approval for some other way of complying with the AD. And finally a statement describing who issued the AD along with there name, address, phone, and the like if you want to contact the issuing FAA office. This AD is complex in that it requires some out-of-the-ordinary procedures. It uses the expression “whichever comes later” with respect to Time-in-Service. It also requires a mandatory replacement of bolts in place of rivets at a specified time. This will be a Major Alteration when that occurs requiring a FAA Form 337 because the replacement of the rivets with bolts is a major change in type design. It is also a major change to a primary flight control. The AD however, is always FAA approved design data so any additional data approval is not required. However, if a mechanic wanted to use Hilok bolts instead of the regular bolts mentioned in the referenced Beech Service Bulletin, an FAA approval as an alternate method could be approved. Always remember, the AD and any data referenced in an AD are always considered FAA approved. Be sure you use only the revision of referenced data cited in the AD.
Now we will take a look at AD 87-22-01 to get an idea of how complex it is, and how to properly read and understand it, and comply with the requirements. Note: there will be questions on the quiz related to the demo and this AD.

AD 87-22-01 Demo
AD 87-22-01 Demo
Inspection Authorization Refresher Training
AD 87-22-01 is a really complex AD with numerous important compliance requirements.
AD 87-22-01 is a really complex AD with numerous important compliance requirements.
This is revision 1 (R1) of this 1987 AD, bi-weekly issue 22, and the first AD of that issue. It is a recurring inspection AD especially related to specific aircraft models.
The first important compliance issue is related to the fluorescent penetrant inspection. The AD mandates that the inspection be accomplished in accordance with Beech Service Bulletin 2102, however it also specifies that it be revision I, revision II, or revision III of specific dates.
Reviewing SB 2102 as required indicates that persons who perform the NDT be appropriately trained. In an AD, where specific training and specifications are mentioned, persons performing must comply. Otherwise there is a violation of the AD.
The AD goes on to require that, if the fork must be replaced, the replacement fork is immediately subject to the AD. The re-curring inspections are only discontinued when the improved fork is installed.
In conclusion, always pay particular attention to TIS requirements, when compliance times occur either at an earlier or later TIS, recurring inspections required, and any training requirements on the part of the person accomplishing specific inspections. It is always very helpful to use a highlighter on all important parts of any AD just as it is when reviewing a Type Certificate Data Sheet.
End of Block Lesson Five
End of Block Lesson Five
Now you have finished Block Five, and may review the remaining blocks in any order you would like. After reviewing all 8 blocks of learning, you are ready to take the quiz. I hope you have enjoyed, this lesson and have learned something that will help you and keep you out of trouble with the FAA.
Thank you for taking our Online Inspection Authorization Refresher Training Seminar!